• Children's drawing of a family holding hands

    “Our Family Time Coaches were very supportive and down-to-earth and easy to talk to. I had a good relationship with both my coaches. They were helpful; they made suggestions rather than coming on too strong. They were positive. Sometimes, it’s not what you do but the way you do it.”

  • Children's drawing of a family playing with toys

    “My Family Time Coach is absolutely amazing. I don’t know if I would have made it through the year without her. She offered support. She pushed me to do what I needed to do. Everyone judged me, but she didn’t. She made me feel good about myself. She made suggestions and it didn’t feel like she was attacking me.”

  • Children's drawing of a family of four

    “It was amazing. I was really nervous. My Family Time Coach talked me through it before so I wasn’t so emotional. We prepped for that first visit and that gave me the strength to be strong for them. She helped me to be repetitious with a stern voice, to not give in, to be consistent with times, to get a good routine in place. That worked and things were really, really good. We went from having Coach with us to it being just me with the kids. My kids miss her. They looked at her as my friend and that she brought out the better out of me.”

  • Children's drawing of a family of four

    “Through this process, I have opened my eyes to the flaws I had. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do.”

Supporting Parents to Take Charge of their Family Time

Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching helps families in foster care enjoy their time together.


In traditional supervised visits parents struggle to meet their children’s needs for a variety of reasons and caseworkers are frustrated that visits are often not informative about reunification.

Parents of children in care are proud to meet the developmental, separation-related and safety needs of their children with Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching.

Parents are motivated by satisfying and nurturing time with their children to work steadily toward reunification.

Trained visit coaches develop strong relationships with parents as they listen to parents and support attunement to their children.

Parents’ quotes about the benefits of Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching and how they meet their children’s needs and being reunified reflect these honest, non-judgmental relationships.

Visit Coaching is also known as Family Time Coaching or Family Visit Coaching; the terms are used interchangeably. We do not use the term “visitation” because parents view it so negatively. Family Time is a strengths-based description of the time children enjoy with their family.


Parent Testimonials