Mother sitting on coach holding infant while watching over two toddlers

Schedule Training

The Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching training is 3 days in person. Visit Coaching is a relational model and we have been reluctant to provide the training by Zoom, but we are doing the training virtually in 22 hours, over 4-hour sessions on 4 days and then an application class in 3-hour sessions for 2 days. The first 16 hours of virtual/2 days of in-person of in-person training prepares coaches and their supervisors. The first hour and a half of the training can be an introduction for public agency staff and other community partners who want to know what Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching is but will not be trained as coaches. At the conclusion of the first 16 hours virtual/Day 2 in-person, coaches are encouraged to begin coaching families. The application class (Day 3 in-person/3-hour sessions for 2 days virtually) is a few months later, depending how long implementation takes, and is an opportunity for coaches and their supervisors to present the families they are coaching to refine their work.

For agency providers and staff

The Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching training has been provided to staff of single private agencies and to groups of staff from several agencies who have co-sponsored the training.

For contractors of Child Welfare agencies

State Child Welfare agencies have arranged the Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching training for visit contractors statewide. We also provide initial and ongoing implementation consultation to the state implementation team to support the complexity of unfolding this practice in diverse communities across a state. County Child Welfare agencies have the 3-day Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching training that has been adapted to train not only county contractors and county visit staff, but also child welfare workers who want to coach the families in their caseload. Wearing both hats of caseworker and visit coach can be challenging initially but ends up strengthening the relationship of the parent and caseworker, with many benefits.

For coaches and supervisors

We want to hear from you! We have a platform where coaches share their experience, innovations and outcome data. We are planning webinars for trained coaches. If you have implemented Visit Coaching/Family Time Coaching and are interested in having one of your coaches become a trainer, we have done limited Training for Trainers, restricted to individuals who fit specific criteria. It works best for several agencies to co-sponsor Training for Trainers.

 Coming Soon

Advanced Practice Webinars for Trained Coaches

Please let us know what topics interest you.